- 2.7 Beta (中文)
- 2.6 Stable (中文)
- Web and API (中文)
- 2.5 Stable (英文)
- 2.4 Stable (英文)
- 2.3 Stable (英文)
- 2.2 Stable (英文)
- 2.1 Stable (英文)
- 2.0 Stable (英文)
- 1.11 Stable (英文)
- 1.10 Stable (英文)
- 1.9 Stable (英文)
- 1.8 Stable (英文)
- 1.7 Stable (英文)
- 1.4 Stable (英文)
- 1.3 Stable (英文)
Beta 測試版
更新日期 21.10.21
[DROFUS-63190] Revit 元素類型的集合代碼應該是可編寫的
[DROFUS-61587] IFC 物件同步的模型分段和刪除物件
[PB-4460] RDL 報告的“編輯”、“儲存”和“另外儲存”
[PB-4435] 物件無法輸入序列號
[DROFUS-61492] 關閉 IFC 屬性配置對話框時,我們從 IFC 導航選項標籤切換
[DROFUS-61564] 從 IFC 改進輸入房間
[DROFUS-61583] IFC 輸入預覽
[DROFUS-61584] 日誌示窗顯示 IFC 物件輸入的日誌/進度
[DROFUS-61915] 將 Jira 移至雲端後仍能提交錯誤報告
[DROFUS-62855] 如果鏈接的物件沒有 GUID, IFC 同步側發生意外
[DROFUS-61633] 重新登錄(或清除緩存)後儲存的關係搜索(例如物件 -> 責任)失敗
[PB-4438] 當更多子物件添加到一個項目時,子物件數量的狀態不變
[DROFUS-61944] 為有房間數據連接到模板的房間添加過濾器
[PB-4369] Archicad 25 插件兼容性
[DROFUS-60327] FileMeta 實體中缺少 OrderFile(order_file 表)支援
[DROFUS-61492] 關閉 IFC 屬性配置對話框時,我們從 IFC 導航選項標籤切換
[DROFUS-61586] IFC 物件的類別選擇同步
[PB-4200] 能夠為每個數據庫設置自定義的最小密碼長度
[DROFUS-61307] 避免重複創建 Revit 共享參數
[DROFUS-59077] Revit:不要用 APIContextScope 作背景線聯
[PB-4229] 能夠在“房間模板 <> 房間配置”中從 Revit 模型配對組名稱
[DROFUS-54861] 根據 NVO 規范進行電纜標記
[DROFUS-58955] 從 IFC 模型創建物件
[DROFUS-59094] 將“類別”選擇器提升到 Revit 中的功能區
[DROFUS-59339] 從 Revit 添加新物件時搜索物件組
[DROFUS-61308] 從 IFC 輸入物件
[DROFUS-61512] 輸出中缺少動態投標組數據
[DROFUS-61307] 避免重複創建 Revit 共享參數
[DROFUS-60452] 無法修改複合文字欄
[DROFUS-57169] 改善作為系統成員的不同職責的子物件的工作流程
[PB-4341] 系統同步與刪除不應刪除不屬於同步的成員
[PB-670] 應該在與 Revit/Archicad 比較後才應用數據庫過濾器,這樣鏈接的物件不會顯示為未鏈接
[PB-3871] 將子物件直接設置為出現次數的屬性
[DROFUS-56981] 將“房間”選擇器添加到 Revit 和 Archicad 中的物件屬性面板
[DROFUS-57453] 不再支援2019 年以前的 Revit 版本
[DROFUS-59499] 於一個數據庫中支援超過 99 個項目
[PB-4358] 修復有關列集的問題
[DROFUS-61287] 桌面版中的 TokenFetcher無法操作,大概是由於缺少數據庫首選項“identity-server-grant-type”
[PB-4335] 支援俄羅斯語
[PB-4358] 修復有關列集的問題
[PB-2703] 支援儲存列集
[PB-4236] 將物件同步整合到同步鏈中
[PB-4333] 通過系統模塊創建新物件時,將物件設置為“待建模”
[DROFUS-57050] 同步實例時僅在用戶需要時輸入系統
[PB-4074] 用於拆分 Revit 模型的明顯功能
[PB-4241] 避免在同步期間沒有更新時編寫至 Revit
[DROFUS-58739] 於桌面版軟件為新的文檔伺服器作好準備
Stable 穩定版
更新日期 21.10.21
閱讀我們的博客帖 (只提供英文版)
[DROFUS-63190] Revit 元素類型的集合代碼應該是可編寫的
[PB-4456] 輸入功能數據問題
[PB-4473] RDS 示窗在使用時出現,例如: FF&E清單
[PB-4491] 無法透過 Excel 更新物件去更改序列號
[PB-4183] 管理系統 - 嘗試添加項目中已有的成員時彈出警告消息
[PB-3252] 將過濾器資料添加到房間模板的 pdf-報告, rds-報告和模板 rds-報告中的日誌列表
[PB-4495] 複製數據庫/從備份還原/下載然後從檔案還原將不會保留系統管理員的“無權訪問系統管理站”權限
[DROFUS-61944] 為有房間數據連接到模板的房間添加過濾器
[PB-4350] 新 Revit 插件中的“操作結果”示窗遺失了
[DROFUS-61956] 當收藏夾包含評估的屬性時,ArchiCAD 鏈接物件 <-> 收藏夾失敗
[PB-4368 PDF] “投標”報告缺少物件規格信息
[PB-4444] 未能顯示房間數據表示窗
[PB-4341] 系統同步與刪除不應刪除不屬於同步的成員
[DROFUS-61307]避免重複創建 Revit 共享參數
[DROFUS-57980] 取消分配房間時,子事件的源屬性被清除
[DROFUS-59372]通過確保在 2.6 及更高版本的 dRofus 桌面版程序集中設置 LARGEADDRESSAWARE 標誌來修復 OOM 問題
[DROFUS-57980] 取消分配房間時清除子物件的源屬性
[DROFUS-59219] 物件輸出包含重複的行
[DROFUS-57720] 改良查看過濾器對話框
[DROFUS-57815] 2.6 下載族文件的錯誤
[PB-4301]在 2.6 中編輯多次出現的子物件時很慢
[PB-4324] Revit:同步所選/視圖正在尋找非活躍配置中的參數
[PB-4280] 在 RDS 中打開“衍生值”示窗時,格式化文本字段顯示為“衍生”
[PB-4293] Revit 尺寸值在同步到 dRofus 時四捨五入為最接近的整數
[DROFUS-57064]改進在同步過程中無法刪除出現 / 子出現時的錯誤信息
[PB-4248]通過 Excel 更新房間沒有適當地產生錯誤
[PB-4265]產品價格在 PDF 報告“產品數據”中仍然只顯示一位小數
[DROFUS-56988] 勾選“將 Revit 族文件上傳到 dRofus”時出錯
[PB-4203]檢查 Excel 更新標識符
[DROFUS-56852]Revit 屬性面板在更改文檔時停止操作
[DROFUS-56816]Revit 同步:無法刪除事件
[PB-4194]在 Revit 中拆分事件時現有數量錯誤
[PB-3960]Excel 輸出過濾器無法正常操作
[PB-4202]將報告輸出到 XML 在當前 Beta 測試版中不能操作
[DROFUS-56591]Revit:同步後刷新 ArticleSync 對話框,在從鏈接列表同步期間刪除未分組的模型組
[DROFUS-56614]當 BaseComponent 有許多系統時,輸入為系統組件
[PB-4131]如果房間模板有日語字符作為代碼,PDF 報告不能操作
[PB-3950]列過濾器在 Revit 物件鏈接狀態下不能操作
[PB-4159] 在 dRofus 中創建新物件後,Revit 中的屬性面板無法正確更新
[PB-4165] 改進了 Revit 中“同步日誌”中的日誌結果
[PB-4168]Revit 插件中的系統示窗 - 無法移動對話框
[PB-4182]列過濾器在 Revit 插件的房間鏈接狀態對話框中不能操作
[DROFUS-56489]從衍生房間數據更改為獨有房間數據後,Dyn 數據的空行仍保留在數據庫中
[DROFUS-56031]Revit 同步目錄結構的變化
[PB-2010] 具有 1 級或 2 級房間權限(但僅限於房間數據中的特定選項卡)的用戶在嘗試更改房間數據狀態或從其他房間複製房間數據時的警告消息
[PB-4137] 應用於“房間數據狀態短”的過濾不能操作
[PB-4069]Excel 輸入/更新 - 自動選擇上次儲存的活躍工作表功能在新輸入面板中遺失
[PB-4143]生產 Excel 輸出時伺服器超時
[PB-4127]從房間模塊打印 RDS 時,PDF 報告僅打印所有選定房間中的第一個
[DROFUS-55329] 無需系統權限都可同步組件
[DROFUS-55555] 將類別選擇器合併為一個
[DROFUS-55755] 從 Excel 輸入時出錯仍可繼續
[DROFUS-55766] 將對話框添加到“同步操作的對話框”,並將非交互式版本添加為單獨的目錄命令
[PB-3897]可以向產品添加 GTIN 編號
[PB-4133] 輸入/更新事件無法將新事件分配到房間
[PB-4068] 不能在 PDF RDS 中同時使用房間分類和房間組過濾器
[PB-3367] 從Excel輸入用戶時,指定用戶組即可
[PB-3716] 為物件數據 PDF 報告提供日誌過濾器
[PB-4071]支援將事項狀態輸出到 XML 以用於自定義報告
[DROFUS-55330] 在 Revit 中同步選定/同步選定視圖的選項
[PB-3823] 輸出分類和狀態 ID
[PB-3985] 能夠使用 Excel 輸入功能輸入物件分類序列號
[PB-4110] 勾選“包括出現次數”後,帶有自定義文件名的批次處理 PDF 不能操作
[DROFUS-26401] 如果代碼中的文本後有空格,房間模板的 RDS 報告將不能操作
[DROFUS-55615] 加載超過 50k+ 個事件時,單擊“全部顯示”後,事件列表中出現未指定的操作失敗
[PB-4088] dRofus Beta 與 Revit操作失敗
PB-3823]輸出分類和狀態 ID
[PB-4068] 不能在 PDF RDS 中同時使用房間分類和房間組過濾器
[DROFUS-55420] 從 Excel 將房間模板屬性輸入房間模板
[DROFUS-54467] 用戶可以在 Revit 中同步活動視圖
[DROFUS-54728] 在 Revit 中同步沒有功能的房間
[DROFUS-54870] 將系統日誌輸出到 Excel
[DROFUS-55004] Excel 中的 PowerQuery 現在支援數組過濾器(例如房間功能)
[PB-2948] 創建新子物件時從父物件“複製子物件”的選項
[DROFUS-55028] 來自“同步所選系統組件”的 Revit 同步錯誤
[DROFUS-54503] 使用新的組執行來提高命令的性能
[DROFUS-54760] 消除了從功能區上的“屬性配置”按鈕以外的任何地方更改配置的可能性
[PB-2397] 從 Revit 或 ArchiCAD 執行“更新 dRofus”時,使用物件填充特定類別,而不是填充“未分類”
[DROFUS-54915] 從 Excel 更新房間事項時操作失敗
[DROFUS-54916] 確保並非所有異常都在 Excel 的輸入程序中捕獲
[DROFUS-54917] 不再可能將一列配對到 Excel 輸入器中的多個屬性
[DROFUS-53404] 通過系統對話框創建和同步系統時未設置系統組件
[DROFUS-54837] 同步期間的“刪除房間關係”命令,子事件失敗
[DROFUS-54840] 更新房間關係需要兩次同步,且無法正確報告
[DROFUS-54985] 使 Revit beta 報告操作失敗
[PB-2486] 從 Revit 在沒有突出顯示事件的情況下上傳圖像
[PB-3620] 現在可以從多個物件中刪除子物件
[DROFUS-54451] 在 Revit 中創建用於同步項目信息的配置
[DROFUS-54452] 與 Revit 同步項目信息
[DROFUS-54721] 在 PowerQuery 過濾器中支援“為空/不為空”運算符
[DROFUS-53985] 確保在選擇鏈接到 Bimplus 的房間時 IFC 窗格操作不會失敗。考慮連接到 Bimplus 時隱藏/禁用
[PB-3974] 零數量物件不再出現在 PDF RDS 報告中
[PB-3987] dRofus 在嘗試輸入選定的系統組件時操作失敗,然後無法報告操作失敗
[DROFUS-53270] 在 Revit 中更改成員資格時正確更新系統成員資格
[DROFUS-54466] 刪除在 Revit 中為單個操作設置不同配置的選項
[PB-3676] Revit 插件中鏈接物件的搜索欄
[PB-3732] Excel 中的 PowerQuery 以尊重任何應用的過濾器
[PB-3880] 顯示與 Revit 同步後已“同步”、“創建”和“刪除”的次數計數
[PB-3891] 在某些列類型中應刪除“全選”選項
[PB-3929] 房間數據的“創建唯一”按鈕不能操作
[PB-3674]無法編輯事件 GUI 字段的“更改列表”和“日誌註釋”(房間日誌中的物件)
[PB-3929] 房間數據“創建唯一”按鈕不會更新界面
[PB-3941] 房間報告中的物件非常慢
[DROFUS-54456] 在 Revit 同步期間交換物件/族類型有時可能會中斷同步或使同步失敗
[DROFUS-54513] 同步系統時,它不會為實體連接器創建共享參數
[DROFUS-54440] 當子事件已具有主要成員身份且父事件系統成員身份已同步時,同步失敗
[DROFUS-53411] 當首選配置無效時,防止切換回預設值
[DROFUS-53579] 將選定的組件與系統同步
[DROFUS-54233] 將物件分配給產品時,將預設產品分配給物件
[PB-3754] 在物件上公開預設產品 GUI 數據
[PB-3834] 通過 Excel 使用產品更新在物件上設置預設產品
[PB-931] 添加空間結構概念
[DROFUS-53329] 需要兩次同步才能寫入出現次數
[PB-3897] 添加 GTIN 編號作為填寫產品的可能性
[DROFUS-54073] 密碼重設表單樣式(管理系統)
[PB-3763] 上載有關子物件出現次數的文檔
[PB-787] 創建沒有物件鏈接的產品(獨立)
[PB-2470] 從 Excel 輸入功能程式
[PB-3765] 當分類中沒有物件時,添加在頂級刪除分類的可能性
[DROFUS-53573] 改善系統同步的效率
[DROFUS-54089] 用於房間模板的新 Excel 輸入器
[PB-3661] 從“物件 <-> 族”對話框同步出現次數時,房間天花板/地板/房間容差不能操作,僅適用於“房間/樓層/模型中的物件”
[PB-3884] “室內功能”過濾器在幾個物件PDF報告中不能操作
網絡版與 API
更新日期 21.10.21
[DW-1881] 查看登錄 UI
[DW-1876] 使用 AzureAd 為識別伺服器啟用身份驗證
[API-172] 無法訪問所有屬性時錯誤處理,最初可以設置
[PB-4381]IFC 查看器似乎在多個數據庫之間連接
[PB-4381]IFC 查看器似乎在多個數據庫之間連接
[PB-4354]無法從 BIM 物件創建產品
[API-149]更新系統數據:PATCH /api/systems/{id}
[DW-1854]允許嵌入屬性窗格基於 IFC guid 值查找事項
[PB-4255]API 中的功能編號和功能名稱為空
[PB-4277]概念證明:嘗試嵌入屬性面板並研究 Solibri 查看器擴展的可能性
[API-135] 調查可共享的屬性配對器
[API-148] 出現/dyn-gui 的子查詢閱讀器
[DW-1855]為 DDS 嵌入添加客戶端 ID
[API-121]實現 /api/xxx/{id}/files
[PB-3959] 為房間、房間模板和房間功能日誌 Excel 輸出要求 Power Query 表達式
[DW-1858]ORM:對 char(2)(事項優先次序/優先次序)的過濾失敗
[DW-1844]將 OIDC/client_id 添加到應用程式名稱
[DW-1832]允許在專用網絡上連接 IdentityServer
[PB-4174]無法在 dRofus 網絡版中打開房間
[PB-3735]Power query未有提供正確格式的 Dyn GUI 日期
[DW-1834]UI 選項驗證失敗不應報告給 ExceptionLess
[PB-4152] 無法下載 dRofus 網絡版中的文檔或 StreamBIM 中的 dRofus 插件
[DW-1835] 3D 查看器的夜間整合測試失敗
[PB-3828]支援 notesfield 中的超鏈接
[DW-1778] 更改預設產品
[DW-1779] 移除預設產品
[DROFUS-55595]下一個序列號可以跳過第一個可用的 - 破壞測試
[DW-1809]在輸入 BimObject 和設置預設產品時尊重用戶權限
[PB-4080]標籤圖標從嵌入式 dRofus 中消失了
[API-119]添加 API/檔案端點以支援文件元查詢
[DW-1765]DocServer/legacy:無法下載 + 上傳大文件
[DW-1794]documentId 未定義時無法顯示文檔的文檔詳細信息
[API-105]Swagger 文檔(標籤)應包含屬性的完整路徑
[DW-1603] 事項 dyn-gui:清除子物件的繼承值失敗
[DW-1782] 在2D中隱藏後,3D 查看器無法正確顯示
[DW-1792]回歸錯誤:ColumnDialog 無法在 prod 構建中打開
[DW-1794]無法顯示某些文檔的文檔詳細信息(documentId 未定義)
[PB-3968]子物件的 Excel 更新:無法將數字字段更新為“0”(零)
[PB-3944]在美國伺服器上從 dRofus網絡版打開桌面版時未能正確配對到服務器名稱
[PB-3958]Power Query:“房間數據狀態短”總是為所有房間輸出“未創建”
[PB-3868]通過 API 將文檔上傳到產品
[DW-1767] 將 Gtin(全球貿易物件編號)添加到產品的屬性面板
[PB-3868]通過 API 將文檔上傳到產品
[DW-1759] @drofus/au-components 未正確捆綁
[DW-1780]Web-dev 上的翻譯被破壞
[PB-3099]BIMobject 整合/API
[DROFUS]檢視 'file_info_view' user_permission 返回 NULL
[DW-1769] 文件列表上傳後不更新
[DW-1750]修復了 localStorage 中缺少 db/pr/username 前綴的問題
[DW-1762]數據/開發測試:[app-router] 路由器導航失敗,無法恢復之前的位置或 fallbackRoute
[DW-1763]用於分類和狀態的文檔過濾器執行 OR 而不是 AND
[DW-1751] 未經事項許可無法實例化 ArticlePropertyMapper
[API-104]更新 swagger-visual 以獲取新功能
[DW-1656] 樹的屬性編輯器
[API-88]以合理的方式處理空的 $select 參數
[API-89]/healthcheck url 不需要認證
[PB-3423]Dyn GUI 日期選擇器字段在 dRofus 網絡版中不可見
[DW-1487] - dRofus 正在檢測和比較 IFCSpace 之外的實例
[DW-1626] -將文檔伺服器部署到 AWS
[DW-1666] -查看器中的導航問題
[DW-1571] -重新檢視詳細信息面板的標題
[API-84] -產生 RFC5988 鏈接時轉義非 ascii 字符
[DW-1631] -上傳/刪除文件
[DW-1544] -讓用戶定義和保留屬性面板佈局
[PB-3418] -如果超過 3-4 個狀態(或如果有小屏幕),則無法編輯狀態
[DW-1606] -在主屏幕上顯示外部消息
[DW-1619] -在 WPF 中創建嵌入網絡版的示例
[DW-1563] -顯示房間的額外測量字段
[DW-1576] -顯示產品的繼承數據
[DW-1561] -顯示物件和產品之間的數據差異
[DW-1591] -房間數據可編輯
[DW-1560] -改良屬性編輯
[DW-1607] -在房間中將 RDS 狀態顯示為單獨的藍色行
[DW-1584] -支援對物件和房間數據進行有限權限編輯
[DW-1548] -更新產品時添加新的供應商/製造商
[API-66] -提高獲取“所有”數據的性能,例如儀表板
[DW-1581] -“在 dRofus 網絡版中顯示”不會自動將網絡查看器設置為正確的 2D 地板
API-64 WPF 客戶端使用 JWT 演示 API 調用
DW-1558概括 Dyn-gui 屬性,啟用文章 dyn-gui 屬性
DW-1568 顯示/寫入模板事件
DW-1541tems 核心屬性可編輯
API-65添加父 ID 作為物件組的可用屬性
DW-1460 房間編輯 - 包括房間名稱
PB-3285 使下載文檔與 StreamBIM 應用程序一起使用
DW-1515 Web 用戶設置中添加“清除緩存”選項
API-53 Swagger:身份驗證信息
API-48為 API 提供 dRofus 外觀 Swagger-ui
PB-3188 Subs 未顯示在 dRofus 網絡中的發生級別
API-50 向 Swagger 添加版本信息
DW-1466使用 HttpClientFactory 調用外部 API 改進
API-53 Swagger:身份驗證信息
Updated 17.06.21
New features
[DROFUS-56871] Sub occurrences added to system should not become primary
[DROFUS-52462] Deleting both items and it's children in same operation will crash
New features
[DROFUS-56300] Improvements in Excel Classification Import
[PB-4047] Serial number should only show the serial number, and not serial number + child number
[DROFUS-55000] TFM import should allow characters in serial
[DROFUS-53937] Expose more column on Connection -> Primary System -> System on Occurrence
[PB-865] Make "Sub-Item To" Field Available in the Advanced Configured Excel Export for Item Occurrence Exports
[PB-3845] Show number of fields that will be included in excel import
[PB-3664] Add more "Log" options to "Item Data Report"
[DROFUS-53689] Handling duplicate numbering when adding component to system
[DROFUS-53878] Allow item type classification serial no length to be user defined
[PB-1893] Update terminology for Groups, Status, and Classification on Import/Update Rooms
[PB-3769] Warning when deleting Excel exports in Advanced Excel Configuration
[PB-3768] "Select all" option in column filters
[PB-3766] Update Item status from Excel
[PB-3762] Better terminology and organization in Area panel
[PB-3756] PowerQuery available in Room function Excel export
[PB-3650] Expose Items Child number as a separate attribute to sync/show in lists
[PB-3647] Improved column headings in Area panel
[PB-3586] Support for Revit 2021
[PB-3585] Implement Finnish as new language
[PB-3568] Import classification from Archicad BIM DATA xml format
[PB-3544] New system attributes to list members and support for system composite texts
[PB-3538] More Item identifiers in "Import/update systems and components
[PB-3520] Sort database for client login drop down
[PB-3486] Update system memberships in dRofus when syncing occurrences via items <-> family types dialog in Revit
[PB-3428] Set the percentage factor as Read Only
[PB-3427] Import/update occurrences from Excel - now includes subs as properties
[PB-3383] Bottom up calculations for areas
[PB-3374] Added Reference to item search when adding a new occurrence to template
[PB-3258] System Membership in dRofus updates after sync when changing system for component in Revit
[PB-3216] Multiple select and move documents from one document category to another
[PB-2400] Copy Room Template Custom Fields to matching Room Core Fields
[PB-1776] Add dyn gui properties to project and functions
[PB-871] Ability to copy information from item with responsibility I only have limited access to
[PB-772] Multiple Item Copy from Item Overview
[PB-434] Ability to import classifications from Excel and XML
[PB-315] Save view layouts for perspectives
[PB-117] Search field in Revit systems <--> dRofus systems window
[PB-3760] Remove occurrences with zero quantity from Room Template Data report
[PB-865] Make "Sub-Item To" Field Available in the Advanced Configured Excel Export for Item Occurrence Exports
[PB-3593] Unit conversion from ArchiCAD
[DROFUS-50893] "Select all" option in column filters
[DROFUS-53294] Add procurement status (text) as a column for occurrences
[DROFUS-53242] Primary system now updates if system membership is removed/changed in Revit
[DROFUS-53130] Add Excel export for Agreement files
[DROFUS-53016] Improve labling of dyn UI fields in Excel imports
[DROFUS-52848] Archicad 24 plug-in compatibility
[DROFUS-52700] Show Category-specific configurations in Sync Log in Revit
[DROFUS-52447] Added Delivery statuses as attributes to tender orders
[DROFUS-52349] Improve error message for when an item can not be found during component import from Revit
[DROFUS-52177] Allow three letter component type codes when importing components from Excel
[DROFUS-52169] Option to search in all components when adding to system
[DROFUS-52002] Show occurrence Attribute Configurations as URL's in Items and System sync dialogs
[DROFUS-51934] Revit CabelTrays dimensional parameters available for sync in Revit
[DROFUS-51713] Detailed sync log when synchronizing components from Revit
[DROFUS-51661] Expose IFC guid as property for occurrences
[DROFUS-51643] New import rooms from Exce
[DROFUS-51513] Import classification by column hierarchy
[DROFUS-51493] New import items from excel
[DROFUS-51303] Enable synchronization of "Is member of Systems" and "Primary System" fields for components that belong to multiple systems in Revit.
[DROFUS-51147] Improve performance of occurrence nested sub property attributes
[DROFUS-50896] Add multiple occurrences to system, create new system for each component
[DROFUS-50893] Numeric fields in admin settings should allow blank input
[DROFUS-50048] Remove the field for gross area on room
[DROFUS-33336] Add an option to hide Families that are not used in the model in the "Items <-> Families" dialog
[DROFUS-52248] Add support for specifying parent item for Item import/update from Excel
[DROFUS-52470] Add rule to make component part of occurrence classification number unique in TFM numbering Classification
[DROFUS-52444] Enable log on deleted occurrences
[DROFUS-57022] Duplicate items in Area list after saving room function
[PB-4194] Wrong existing quantity when Occurrences are split in Revit
[DROFUS-56545] Renaming Excel sheet in dRofus import, crashes dRofus
[PB-3272] dRofus recording Changes That are not changes when Room Data has formatted text boxes
[PB-3675] Running Batch PDF Room Data Sheets on a Room Group, returns error
[PB-4131] If Room Template has Japanese characters as code, PDF Reports don't work
[PB-4144] User with full access to Items and limited access to Rooms cannot 'copy Items from / to' between Rooms
[PB-4137] Filtering applied to 'Room Data Status short' does not work
[PB-4137] Filtering applied to 'Room Data Status short' does not work
[PB-4143] Server time-out while generating Excel Export
[PB-4116] Parameter exchange dRofus-Revit: Unable to understand the value 3.40000
[DROFUS-55880] Moving room occurrence to another category fails
[PB-4146] EU report server is slow
[DROFUS-55880] Moving room occurrence to another category fails
[PB-4068] Cannot Use Both Room Classification & Room Group Filters in PDF RDS
[PB-4101] Viewfilter for item-specification does not show valuefields for occurrences
[DROFUS-26401] RDS report for room templates don't work if you have a space after the text in the code
[DROFUS-55615] Unspecified crash in occurrence list after clicking 'show all' when this means loading 50k+ occurrences
[PB-3416] Crash when using a Revit Key Schedule and the value is Null
[PB-4057] ArchiCAD triumphs data format over dRofus data formatting, creating issues with decimal numbers (',' and '.' differences)
[PB-4110] With 'Include Occurrences' ticked, Batch PDF with Custom Filename Does Not Work
[PB-4129] Partial Copy Item GUI is replacing all
[PB-4068] Cannot Use Both Room Classification & Room Group Filters in PDF RDS
[PB-4096] Items in Room report: Multiple room group selection doesn't work
[PB-3996] IFC Property Set and IFC Property generator in Dynamic GUI doesn't work and should be removed
[PB-4003] Missing Room Template Room Data matching
[PB-4013] Click and drag documents to 'Documents' panel don't work in detail view
[PB-4043] Issues in Updating Classifications From Excel
[DROFUS-53313] During selection in ArchiCAD with Property Panel open, addin could return error
[DROFUS-54587] Complex value in Excel containing special symbols in expression fails
[DROFUS-55022] 'Choose Item Group' dialog doesn't close when pressing 'Ok'
[DROFUS-55063] Wrong title in 'Product Data' panel
[DROFUS-55190] Timeout during Revit-sync when syncing system and attaching to system components with no systems in database
[PB-3904] Fixed wrong sorting in Area panel for groups
[PB-3929] 'Create Unique' button for Room Data doesn't work
[DROFUS-54915] Crash when updating Room Occurrence from Excel
[DROFUS-54916] Make sure not all exceptions are caught in Importer from Excel
[DROFUS-54917] No longer possible to map one column to more than one attribute in Excel importer
[PB-3974] Zero quantity items no longer appearing in PDF RDS-reports
[PB-3983] Specific Room Templates 'Room Data Report' not working in specific databases + servers
[PB-3674] Not possible to edit 'Change list' and 'Log note' for Occurrence GUI fields (Items in Room-log)
[PB-3893] Edit/Delete classification on more than 10 items at a time not possible if items already has a classification
[PB-3905] Owner Admin can use other people's databases as template
[PB-4115] Item specification report with documents in [database] not working
[DROFUS-54004] Crash when selecting a tab in the Navigation Pane after having modified a property value without saving
[DROFUS-53569] Crashes on background threads are not reported
[DROFUS-54037] Cannot import empty cells from Excel
[PB-3883] Programmed area from room template gets copied on rooms even when have that box unchecked under "apply template"
[PB-3892] Duplicated column references no longer prevent import
[PB-3895] Subs as properties not shown when user has read only access
[DROFUS-53886] Import systems in Revit fails while trying to set primary system
[PB-3727] Settings when "linking Revit rooms to dRofus rooms" does not remember column selection
PB-3875 New Excel import/update window does not show value fields as default in standard mode
[PB-3885] "Include Occurrences" Checkbox Not Remembered Within a Saved-As PDF Report
[DROFUS-54723] Closing Item dialog in system browser is very slow
[DROFUS-53101] Missing occurrence in the procurement module
[DROFUS-53760] Crash when downloading Revit family files for ceilings
[PB-3945] Date format getting randomly mixed up in DynGUI date fields on import and export
[PB-3967] Excel export, duplicate labels in 'Items in room / Occurrences' export
[PB-3810] Syncing nested Families to sub items "Calculate Quantity" defaults to "No"
[PB-3844] Automatic fill of columns to import does not update if changing Excel-tab to import
[PB-3874] New Excel import/update does not read Excel formula results
[PB-3827] Sub items are not under the main item in room template report
[PB-3884] "In Room Function" the Filter is Not Working in a Number of Items PDF-Reports
[PB-3822] Function Data in Room Properties Results in an Error
[PB-3789] Unable to Move Up or Down Room/Template Properties, Measurements & Composite Text Fields
[PB-3832] Gross Area and Gross/Net factor not exporting to XML correct
[DROFUS-53715] English as fallback language isn't working in Revit plugin
[DROFUS-53327] Instances moved out of room in Revit doesn't get it's room relationship removed in dRofus
[DROFUS-53760] Crash when downloading Revit family files for ceilings
[PB-3817] Import Update Excel on Rooms bugs
[PB-3806] Designed-Programmed calculations not working
[PB-3818] All actions in Revit Add-in for Items to Family, result in unknown error
2.4 Stable
Updated 24.09.20
New features
[PB-2704] - Generate + Import Images of Rooms from ARCHICAD to dRofus using Add On
[PB-3048] - Search in Reports and Exports module
[PB-3470] - Make "Advanced configuration" more accessable
[PB-3411] - PDF reports: More image layout options (portrait)
[PB-3057] - Picture grids for PDF reports
[PB-2306] - Classification in Room Reports
[PB-2931] - Dyn GUI date field value exports to excel as number (not date)
[PB-2704] - Generate + Import Images of Rooms from ARCHICAD to dRofus using Add On
[PB-3184] - Edit Item data on existing equipment from "Items in room"
[PB-1063] - Sub items included when adding main item to a system
[PB-3442] - Add "Categories" for item Lists/Finishes as an option to column picker and Excel exports
[PB-3479] - Support for NORVAR TFM-kode
[PB-3380] - Improve the time it takes to synchronize items/systems (and related occurrences) with revit
[PB-3467] - Export missing columns from revit lists
[PB-3461] - Edit Design BGSF w/o Admin Rights
[PB-3258] - Improvements to System Membership in dRofus after sync when changing system for component in Revit
[PB-3177] - Revit plug in: changing a family to another one should give corresponding TFM komponent kode
[PB-3341] - Add more data types in room measurements
[PB-3261] - Add columns for "Document Category" to Document Panels
[PB-3318] - Connect to Room Id for Import/Update Occurrences
[PB-2667] - Importing Images to Item Occurrences from computer
[PB-1873] - Possibility to Copy Room Data from a Room Template to another Room Template
[DROFUS-50532] - Checkbox for showing image captions
[DROFUS-50469] - Add all datasources as available Excel exports
[DROFUS-50361] - Full context for group label in excel export column picker
[DROFUS-49669] - Styling of column picker in Excel exports
[DROFUS-50000] - Create classification filters
[DROFUS-49575] - Text color as new option in PDF reports
[DROFUS-49603] - Restore button in PDF option view
[DROFUS-48242] - New Report and exports module
[DROFUS-47925] - Favorite reports and exports
[DROFUS-49318] - Import room functions from Excel
[DROFUS-50281] - Add nessecarry TIDA excel exports in 2.4
[DROFUS-46754] - Filters and Search in systems module now include hits on systems and system components
[DROFUS-48653] - Swap Item in dRofus if Family types has changed in Revit during occurrence sync
[DROFUS-49659] - Use new helptext control in existing items dialog
[DROFUS-21524] - Improve purchase excel exports
2.4.29 bugfixes
[PB-3776] Excel export for room templates exports templates that does not exist
[PB-3781] The QR code in the Item data report will generate wrong link
Bug fixes
[PB-3750] When syncing all occurrences of a wall type that have been used in a stacked wall, the whole synchronisation failed
[PB-3711] If importing occurrences window is closed because unresponsive, then some occurrences are still imported
[PB-3742] Support for linked model file paths from Autodesk Desktop Connector in Revit BIM360, BIM360
[PB-3767] Filter Not Include Price on Item Data Report should also exclude Product Price
[PB-3745] Remove room filter option on and move Only Used filter on Item Data Report
[PB-3725] Cost of existing items only 4+2 digits
[PB-3618] Cannot Excel Export out Rooms that are marked as deleted when using Ctrl+E
[PB-3701] Room Data XML-exports filtered results generate zero quantity
[PB-3673] Duplicated field names in PowerQuery is not allowed
[PB-3685] Excel-reports Itemfile, roomfile etc. not exporting documents under "not categorized"
[PB-3613] Overwritten item specification not available for existing items
[PB-3668] Can't see all fields from IFC in client attribute configuration
[PB-3672] Non Admin Users Cannot Generate Shared Advanced Configured Excel Exports
[PB-3493] Items Type Filter now supports alpha-numerically sorting
[PB-3587] All Measured (SM) Values in Revit no longer Shows as (SF) in the Linked Rooms Status Dialog
[PB-3632] Support for Update Rooms with Group Values Via Excel in 2.4
[PB-3384] Revit plug in: using 'import selected' functionality should give corresponding TFM komponent kode after switching family type
[PB-3394] dRofus Excel export window (project reports) empty after reset cache
[PB-3220] Export button non-functional in Revit Add-In, Items tab, Items in...
[PB-3382] Swap items also when you sync systems in Revit
[PB-3380] Improve the time it takes to synchronize items/systems (and related occurrences) with Revit
[PB-3446] "Ctrl + E" Does Not Respect Current Filter Within Items in Level / Model Window
[PB-3474] "Only Used in Rooms / Templates" not available as filter in the Built-In Excel Export in 2.4
[PB-3471] Sheet selection option missing for Excels uploaded as Templates in 2.4
[PB-3472] Start writing to column option missing for Excels uploaded as Templates in 2.4
[PB-3475] Correct file ending when exporting XLSM with COM format and Improve format selection and help
[PB-3498] Exporting to excel template containing calculated field causes crash every time (even if that field is not within export range)
[PB-3522] Can't edit quantity of a sub-item
[PB-3523] Custom Room Property no longer reporting in Room Report
[PB-3517] dRofus not recognizing columns very well when importing new Excel exports
[PB-3459] Unwanted split occurrences of based on circuit for electrical families
[PB-3443] Forced Blanks within Item Group Number when Using Composite Text for Occurrences
[PB-3535] Import/update products does not auto match product data
[PB-3513] Cannot 'Save as' in new report module
[PB-3445] "Save Default" within Add/Remove Columns in Items in Level / Model Does Not Work
[PB-3529] Revit areas auto sync with Tracking On reports wrong areas
[PB-3540] Can't Edit or Delete Excel Exports without Advanced Configuration
[PB-3545] Update components does not work with NORVAR codes
[PB-2310] When deleting rooms in Revit with "Track changes on", the option: "Delete from Revit and update dRofus" does not clear the data synced from Revit to a dRofus Group parameter
[PB-3552] Search in Reports and Exports doesn't update
[PB-3561] Updating classification for Items from excel fails
[PB-3563] User Defined Title and Sub title in PDF Reports not working
[PB-3571] PDF reports not reloaded properly after clearing cache in 2.4
[PB-3569] Templated Excel Exports do not Recognise Allocated Sheet Names with Spaces / Special Characters
[PB-3584] Not possible to filter out sub-items in Excel exports
[PB-3597] Built in report "room list" not showing information in added fields
[PB-3616] Filter Selection(s) for 'Item List Equals / Not Equals' in Excel Export is not getting Saved
[DROFUS-53215] Clearing Keys in Revit does not work for system families
[DROFUS-52225] Can't update status on more than 10 occurences at a time
[DROFUS-52373] User with room rights does not see derived marking
[DROFUS-52259] Component sync no longer ignores current article/system attribute config as chosen
[DROFUS-49842] PowerQuery button not visible on saved excel reports
[DROFUS-49843] PowerQuery does not show latest included columns
[DROFUS-25571] Alter or delete responsibility may fail when it's granted to users
[DROFUS-50082] Excel export from list crashes for at least two different reasons
[DROFUS-50252] Crash when exporting file list in room dialog to excel
[DROFUS-50251] Crash when deleting an excel export in advanced editor
[DROFUS-50363] Exporting room data report to XML using view filter returns empty RDS node in XML
[DROFUS-50380] Renaming a folder (PDF or Excel) does not update the content view
[DROFUS-50391] Choose room group dialog shows wrong group type when reloading
[DROFUS-50456] Report Rooms -> Items in room contains empty Images filter group
[DROFUS-50472] Handling of static options ending with &foo fails
[DROFUS-50533] Generate button is inactive for all multisheet exports
[DROFUS-50604] Not admin user should have disabpled modification buttons for shared excel Export column picker
[DROFUS-50633] Do not show ExcelExportDataSourceView for multipage excel export even if only one datasource
[DROFUS-50362] The set of options included in report URL is wrong for saved reports
[DROFUS-50708] Saving of Built-in excel export does not save the selected columns
[DROFUS-50816] Missing refresh when updating fixed value property in excel export
[DROFUS-51067] Crash when copying an export in advanced editor
[DROFUS-51210] New statuses disappears from the settings menu
[DROFUS-50654] Add new translations to Norwegian
[DROFUS-51307] Component import fails if system component exists with no system
[DROFUS-51311] Excel import does not import requested sheet
[DROFUS-51411] Several issues related to IN-filters
[DROFUS-51589] Item List properties not showing for template occurrences
2.3 Stable
Updated 12.09.19
2.3.40 Bug Fix update
[PB-2066] - Help text bugs in Item and Room Data panels/windows
[PB-3154] - In RDS user don't see scroll bar in the multi-line edit.
[PB-3158] - After creating main Item-group I can not create more main groups
[PB-3215] - The top node for occurrence GUI data in "Add/remove columns" has wrong name
[DROFUS-49300] - Removing and adding the same sub item to an item that is used in a template will crash the client when created/created_by column is used
[DROFUS-49350] - Crash when dragging unsaved flag in Dynamic GUI Editor
[DROFUS-49403] - Crash when trying to create room data for a deleted room
[DROFUS-49421] - Crash when exporting project properties to excel containing StaticAttributeDefintions
2.3.39 Update
New features
[PB-827] - Activate lognote and changelist also for room template
[PB-1009] - Possibility to define number of digits for child items
[DROFUS-49130] - Support for NS-TFM numbering rules
[PB-3194] - Column filter not working properly for editable combo box
[DROFUS-49060] - Column Filter -> enter '.' at the end of some numeric values (quantity) causes crash
[DROFUS-49341] - Modules menu should be scrollable
2.3.37 Bug Fix update
[PB-3243] - Values in editable combo box showing different values depending on room rights
[PB-3263] - Numeric values in derived rooms get rounded and derived without changing them
[PB-3275] - Sorting by headers in documents not functioning
[DROFUS-49069] - Show warning if, during excel occurrence import, no valid rows are found
[DROFUS-48974] - Crash in occurrence property panel related to showing the current product
[DROFUS-48991] - Crash in excel import when there are more than one matching headers for the same property
[DROFUS-48901] - Crash when opening IFC
2.3.36 Bug Fix update
[PB-3230] - Exported Revit Views are named wrong - displays without brackets
2.3.35 Bug Fix update
[PB-3234] - Import occurrence from excel crash when selecting a specific item list
[DROFUS-48934] - Crash in room excel import due to duplicate room function number for room templates
[DROFUS-48996] - Crash when linking in revit
2.3.34 Bug Fix update
[PB-3206] - Item groups don't show in order since update
[PB-3223] - The import occurrences from Excel is missing lookup values on rooms compared to 2.2
[DROFUS-48602] - Crash when multi-selecting two occurrences without article when occurrence property panel is visible
[DROFUS-48843] - Prevent crashing when property view elements may be null
[DROFUS-49000] - Report crashes when running room list report with selected columns
New features
[PB-2760] Include Project User Groups when Create New Project from Template
[PB-2832] Ability to Map / Concatenate the Code and Name Fields at all the Various Levels of the Classification Structure
[PB-2976] Exclude Item List status from Core in Room Data reports and show next to item list instead
[PB-3120] Option to not include QR Code when generating PDF Reports
[PB-2953] Option to choose (yes/no) when changing Subitem as properties on Item, that has Occurences with other Subitems as properties than the Item itself
[DROFUS-48234] Displays the recently used IFC files in a dropdown
[DROFUS-47513] Do POST to start reports
[PB-2805] When Synchronizing Rooms make Revit Plugin remember user's last checkbox selection, when "uploading changes to central model"
[DROFUS-47513] Show report progress in dialog box
[PB-3030] Add "Document category" and "Filepath" to document data-sources in 'Configure Excel exports'
[PB-3044] Tender group navigation in item module
[PB-2463] Ability to import Contact Details
[DROFUS-47306] Improve performance of item group tree with lots of item groups
[PB-2373] Excel import of sub Items
[PB-3005] Add product during System/Component Excel import
[PB-2789] Show QR code in reports
[DROFUS-38077] Import rooms from IFC space
[DROFUS-43781] Import System Components and Components from Excel
[DROFUS-47080] Sync occurrence to IFC
[DROFUS-47283] When adding equipment to a room, and an item is already chosen, show suggested items from the same group.
[PB-1007] Possibility to download all documents, or all documents in a category from dRofus
[PB-2783] Delete occurrences in dRofus created from Revit, that no longer exist in Revit.
[PB-2364] Stay on the selected User Profile when a User Group is removed
[PB-1030] Option to leave Room name in model when unlinking Room from dRofus
[PB-753] Hide Revit nested Families in Equipment in Room
[PB-1894] Replace Document File
[PB-2074] Display properties of sub-item/sub-occurrence if they are selected
[PB-2791] Show responsibility from selected item in Create System Component dialog
[PB-1107] Change Name of Feature "Copy Chosen Classifications" to include "and Statuses" in administration system
[PB-2671] Change default username to email when creating new users
[DROFUS-47082] Revit 2020 support
[PB-2449] Change terminology in client: Name “Finishes List” changed to “List with Categories”
[PB-2673] Update Items from Excel with “Reference” field as key
[PB-2722] Option to upload a Design File in PDF Reports with any file type (*.***)
[PB-2737] Make "Add members" allow you to select multiple occurrences to add
[PB-2780] Add product info properties in component/system component Properties panel
[PB-825] LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) integration in admin system
[PB-2763] Improve the graphical look of the current PDF reports
[PB-2764] Tidy up in the report selection interface for PDFs
[PB-2483] Add independent names on system components and components
[PB-2839] Improve "Add to system" dialog
[PB-2864] Make excel export fetch data directly from database
[PB-2868] Increase Item level depth item number from 4 to 5
[PB-2884] Change Project Type Name from 'Deprecated' to 'Archived'
[DROFUS-46276] Add sync button in occurrence Property Panel
[PB-2870] Occurrence (and system component and component) (serial) number validation
[DROFUS-46629] Allow adding occurrence with subs from different responsibility to item list locked to parent items responsibility
[PB-2812] Show gross/net group areas in area pane
[PB-2846] Show group gross/net on project PP
[PB-2848] Option to generate unique serial number within item group
[PB-2849] Option to enforce unique serial number within item group
[PB-1735] Admin Log/Time Format the same YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM
[PB-2623] Add user created date and user last login date for export
[PB-2822] Report a list of documents and show the connections to each document
[PB-1795] Gross Area per group
[PB-2831] ‘Add/Remove columns’ to show all levels of the Classification Structure
[PB-2643] Import shared nested revit families as sub-items
[PB-2550] Remember option for programmed area and room name overwrite when linking a template to room
[PB-2623] Add user created date and user last login date for export
[PB-2591] Group name in column titles
[PB-2477] Better way of adding new System Components in dRofus
[DROFUS-46189] Change default name for creating family type in dRofus to type name only
[PB-1218] Better way of adding new components in dRofus
[DROFUS-45612] Make new system browser support digging deeper down through the hierarchy
[PB-2480] Ability to copy "Company" information together with all associated data
[PB-2692] Make "Add to system" work for multiple selected occurrences
[PB-2679] Sort on User Groups on Admin Site
[PB-385] Copy system component - copy systems and members
[DROFUS-45635] Add ‘sub-as-property’ ID as an available property for synchronizing with Revit
[PB-2677] Import rooms from ARCHICAD using add-on
[PB-1151] Change template type
[DROFUS-45110] Reintroduce TIDA in 2.3
[PB-2657] Set custom resolution for image import
[PB-1405] “Show in Revit” option from “Link Status” on Room Sync
[PB-873] Assign Responsibility to Item via Item Group Settings
[DROFUS-45019] System visualilzation in dRofus WEB
[PB-2662] Let IFC room count in areas window show without synced areas
[PB-2486] Upload images from Revit without highlighting
[PB-2058] Summaries in room list footer
[DROFUS-46739] ARCHICAD 23 Support
[PB-1585] Item List ID visible in Admin settings
[PB-2744] More links to dRofus WEB (from client and plugins)
[PB-2918] Update XF designer templates to look like the built-in reports
2.2 Stable
Updated 03.12.20
[PB-2827] Disabled the column Filters in Item Lists, for the pop-up details window for Rooms.
[PB-2875] Room name description gets deleted when creating a new Item from equipment in room
[PB-2908] dRofus Revit "Tracking" deletes rooms with workset enables models when "Reload Latest" is used
[PB-2824] Import selected component from Revit is importing too much
[DROFUS-45636] Image import issues
[DROFUS-46627] Alias renaming fails for OrderBy
[PB-2788] Parameter values disappearing when Family is Loaded into Revit
[PB-2803] Can't overwrite excel cells for function data when using an excel template
[PB-2806] IFC Model Invalid
New Features
[PB-2486] Uploaded images from Revit without having the occurrence highlighted
New Features
[PB-2486] Uploaded images from Revit without having the occurrence highlighted
New Features
[PB-792] Make IFC properties and IFC Attributes available for syncing with Item and Occurrence parameters in ArchiCAD
[PB-1963] Import Spaces from Revit to dRofus
[PB-2410] Allow ArchiCAD Object parameters from ArchiCAD to dRofus within the Item <-> Object Configuration Window
[PB-2419] Make Revit parameter "SuperComponent" available in the attribute configuration
[PB-1388] Clarify Template Module verses Room Template as a Template Type
[DROFUS-43780] Bold in classification tree when it has content
[DROFUS-43776] List based system browser
[DROFUS-43163] Give update notice in add-ins (Revit Plugin, Archicad add-on)
[DROFUS-44721] Support area unit when syncing area for rooms
[DROFUS-44438] Item <-> Archicad favourite connection
[DROFUS-44132] dRofus property panel in Archicad
[DROFUS-44302] Replace IFC config
[DROFUS-44567] Custom "New" dialog that let's you specify Property set/property
[DROFUS-44568] Show example values from model
[DROFUS-44766] New article config. Including type/instance option for external
[DROFUS-44767] New system config
[DROFUS-44768] New occurrence config
[PB-2387] Correct icons on Revit property panel
[PB-2455] Remove Support Email from Help Client Links
[PB-1373] dRofus imports Unplaced Rooms and Rooms in design options by default when using Import Rooms in Revit
[PB-2269] In Revit. Add the room omniclass-classification in the Room <-> Revit room configuration
[PB-1715] Make Note field bigger or detachable.
[PB-2367] Support for Slab (Floor / Ceiling) Elements in ArchiCAD
[PB-2383] Include Additional (Important) Fields from Occurrences Dataset when Creating Custom Excel Exports
[PB-1668] Open "Equipment in model" as a modeless window
[DROFUS-45095] Make dRofus Add-On functionality available in 3D views
[DROFUS-45245] Add administrator setting for enabling or disabling mailing generated reports
2.1 Stable
Updated 18.09.18
For video and future explanations look through the blog post here
New Features
[DROFUS-43445] – Support for ArchiCAD 22
[DROFUS-41722] – Support for Revit 2019
[DROFUS-41061] – Released new MSI-version
[PB-2090] – Remember password on login
[PB-2091] – In Revit plug.in automatically login
[DROFUS-42111] – Strengthen the password rule to 8 characters
[PB-40] – Possibility to convert Unique status to Derived from Room Template
[PB-1814] – Allowed planning areas on all levels in function structure
[PB-1798] – Improved Areas for functions, with sharing gross/net factor on all levels in the function structure
[PB-2381] – Added calculations on the top level in Areas view
[PB-1796] – In the Room function structure, added Project Area parameters on the top-level of the structure
[PB-1600] – Added possibility to add sum of the Room measurements - fields in the function-area view
[PB-2108] – Added log for project parameters
[PB-482] – Improve "Track changes" to sync when updating Room in Revit
[DROFUS-37339] – In Revit plug.in, added the new attribute picker for choosing columns [DROFUS-42908] – In Revit plug.in, added link/unlink option to Occurrence
[PB-1409] – Functions to import Child Items from Excel
[PB-395] – Support for Excel import of company information
[DROFUS-42907] – Added function to import both parent company and sub company at the same time from Excel
[PB-1992] – Added an option to send pdf-report in email
[PB-2384] – Improved interface for the user settings
[PB-2119] – Improved Room Property panel with icons and moved function
[PB-2196] – Added warning message saying that IFC properties does not appear unless you select a zone/object
[PB-2013] – Saving the sorting of columns
[PB-2218] – In procurement module, made the Updated Item Specification visible when you open Item from equipment list or Item overview
[PB-2263] – In Revit plugin, improvements to Options Window
[PB-2301] – Possibility to show serial number for item in schedules and lists
[PB-2220] – In Revit plug.in, key value gets remove when copying/duplicating families
[PB-1855] – Improved the sort and filter button in the different columns
[PB-1913] – In the Configured Excel Export, added a parameter to include the rooms marked as deleted
[PB-1266] – Function to copy Configured Excel Export
[PB-2092] – In Revit, Improved sync when using Worksharing
[PB-845] – Added functionality to open a dRofus product, system or occurrence in client via a link
[PB-2103] – Added Procurement data fields in Configure Excel Exports
[PB-2089] – Added Contact data in Configure Excel Exports
[PB-1961] – Developed log for functions
[PB-1386] – Improved Apply Template with option to choose what to overwrite
[PB-1599] – Possibility to import the IFC-attributes for system and components to dRofus
[PB-1260] – Separated the super-user access for BIM attribute configuration
[PB-1861] – In room list, added support to open template from right click on item list
[PB-1292] – Added support to open the web directly from the client
[PB-888] – In Revit plug.in, hided some buttons when no admin-access
[PB-748] – Possibility to open the Room Template items directly from Revit by using 'Show in dRofus' button
[PB-1281] – Improvements on Home Screen Summary
[PB-1383] – Styled the Delete button
[PB-1856] – Improved the interface in Finishes list
[PB-1582] – Support to add unit type on the custom Room Measurement fields
[PB-1853] – When clicking in to Document pane, it keep your choice of details from last time
[PB-1451] – In Revit Plug.in added filter in Planned vs Designed Items
[PB-2330] – Show change list in alphabetic order
[PB-2396] – In ArchiCAD, added "To Zone" parameter in the default configuration on doors
[DROFUS-39910] – Revit and ArchiCAD Plug.in support side-by-side installation of 3rd part plugins
[DROFUS-41628] – Implemented header detection for Excel import
[DROFUS-41733] – Cleaned up the User Settings window
[DROFUS-42649] – Added description field to Item Groups
[DROFUS-42954] – Improved log filters when exporting log to Excel
[DROFUS-41527] – In Revit plug-in, dRofus property pane, visualize better which direction data is synced
[DROFUS-41060] – When read only permission, changed the greyed out fields to be black
and several bugfixes
2.0 Stable
Updated 30.01.18
New features & Improvements
[PB-2194] – In ArchiCAD Add-on, allowed to use hot linked zones' parameter as the key attribute for comparing
[PB-2300] – When connecting a room to a Room Template, the classification from the Room Template overwrite the classification from the room
[DROFUS-42764] – Removed the invalid swap item options in room template occurrence dialog
[PB-1924] - Room Areas Digits - increase to 999,999
[DROFUS-42094] - Imporoved the translation in the plug-ins
[DROFUS-42290] - Improved performens when adding classification in Item perspective
[DROFUS-41061] – Released new MSI-version
[PB-1973] - Support for more instance-attributes in Revit Attribute Configuration
[PB-2035] - Hide programmed area gross/net factor if department has sub-departments
[PB-1794] – Displaying the username within the Client
[PB-1828] – Added an additional decimal for gross/net factor
[PB-1775] – In plug.in for Revit 2018, fixed issues when Revit Syncs and Track changes are on
[PB-1925] – Fixed the saving issue on Room Data for Room Templates
[PB-888] – In Revit plug.in, hided some buttons when no admin-access
[PB-1888] – Added the size of the project in the admin page
[PB-1286] – Finishes, Improved icons
[PB-1507] – Systems, Added function to import systems directly to a system component in dRofus
[PB-1512] – Rooms, Added new area overview for group types
[PB-1277] – Room Templates, Added a warning message when changing templates
[DROFUS-38785] – Rooms, Added Move/Copy function in ribbon
[DROFUS-39096] – Items, Improved performance in the occurrence attribute picker
[DROFUS-34935] – Rooms, Added new Room Data <-> Item check
[DROFUS-39417] – Added column-filter on Date/Time
[DROFUS-39580] – Added "Template occurrences" as data source for excel export
[PB-1217] – Support for Status Filter on Occurrences/Items RDS Reports
[PB-150] – Swap Room Template used by room (RDS, equipment)
[PB-1364] – In Items module, Added the "Show Sub Items" Checkbox
[PB-1423] – Hide different tabs when the relevant view is not open (documents/images/logs-tabs)
[PB-28] – Possibility to synchronize RDS fields from Revit and ArchiCAD to dRofus
[PB-96] – Revit plug.in possibility to create views of family instance in relation to surrounding and upload to occurrence
[PB-481] – Reit plug.in, Made function a writable dRofus parameter from Revit
[PB-932] – Room module, Added the Functional location parameter in the Room property panel
[PB-1364] – “Show Sub Items”- Checkbox in Item in room
[PB-1448] – Added “Is placed” parameter, to see which rooms that is already linked to a model
[PB-1461] – Revit plug.in, Systems, add possibility to update components in the system by synchronize linked systems
[PB-1567] – Prompt to update software and dRofus restart when it is a new version
[PB-1481] – Documents, Possibility to upload unsigned document type, to be assigned later
[DROFUS-38301] – Room module, Occurrence match for rooms
[DROFUS-35892] – RDS, Added function to create the long help text description related to tooltip
[DROFUS-39179] – Improved general scrollbar buttons
[DROFUS-39196] – Improved Property panel, Reloads when it gets keyboard focus
[PB-1493] – System module, When opening systems, the structure shows system classification structure instead of Item structure
[PB-1128] – System module, Expose system component as a relation on primary system
[DROFUS-38974] – System/Items Overview, “Quick search” will search in all panels, not only Item panel
[DROFUS-38065] – Added IFC property panel
[DROFUS-38071] – Added Area panel in room module
[DROFUS-38763] – System module, Improved filters
[PB-1490] – Items overview, only show products that is connected to the selected occurrence(s)
[PB-1491] – Revit plug-in, added family category-filter when import of systems
[PB-1494] – Revit plug-in, “Import Selected” recognize systems that already exist
[PB-1545] – Reports and Exports, when creating an custom excel-export, we allow macro enabled excel templates (xlsm + xls) to be uploaded to project reports [PB-1371] – Items overview, option in ribbon or double-click on document to open its properties
[PB-234] – Added filter function on columns
[DROFUS-38760] – System module, added closable items list
[PB-1413] – Added support for ArchiCAD 21 Property manager attributes for Objects
[PB-391] – Added possibility to hide "Graphical function planner" and "Function program" from the welcome window and "Project" menu
[PB-1077] – In Items overview, added possibility to manually overwrite running numbers on Items
[DROFUS-38066] – Improved the 3D viewer navigation: zoom, 2d (floor), spaces only
[DROFUS-37940] – Revit plug-in, when copy room from linked models, added option to filter rooms/spaces in Main design option
[PB-452] – Added the new ArchiCAD 20 "Property Manager"- properties in the plug-in "attribute configuration" for Zones
[PB-1105] – Included gross/net factor data source in excel exports
[DROFUS-38087] – Improved the performance of new 'Add/Remove' columns. Specially for occurrence
[PB-351] - Support for Door in ArchiCAD plug-in
[PB-681] - Support for lighting fixtures in ArchiCAD plug-in
[DROFUS-39510] - Support for Windows in ArchiCAD plug-in
[DROFUS-39750] - Added link to support webpage from Help menu
[PB-1068] – Added link to the admin web-site from settings
[DROFUS-37381] - Added pagination to log panes
[DROFUS-39710] - Added pagination for occurrence, room and room-templates
[DROFUS-39885] – Added notification to restart ArchiCAD/Revit when updating
[PB-1205] – When uploading image from Revit, added more specific label
[PB-764] - Added spell check to dRofus text fields
[PB-1720] - Expose sum of numeric occurrence datafields on items for time and weight
[PB-1665] - Hide user logon on home page
[PB-1647] - Create a table for connection RDS to Item group
[PB-1456] - Show Item Quantity as Derived when modified from a template
[PB-1250] - Support for ArchiCad 21
[PB-1166] - Default views in rooms lists
[PB-1054] - Created materials in dRofus
[PB-1050] - Possible to clone rooms to be able to make alternative rooms
[PB-1051] - Merge/delete a cloned room by retaining the right occurrences
[PB-1033] - Updated all icons in dRofus
[PB-1029] - Made it clearer which rooms will be imported from Revit when using the import function
[PB-968] - Improved the tree structure of the add/remove column dialogue
[PB-967] - Improved "advanced" filter dialog
[PB-952] - Possibility to create price parameters and hide pricing information for users
[PB-905] - Possible to define the connections between statues, classification and its permission
[PB-904] - Made status and classification a permission-giving topic
[PB-891] - When using sub items, Possibility to show properties of “sub” occurrence on "parent" occurrence. To see which occurrence of the sub that are connected to which occurrence of the “Parent”
[PB-785] - Enable classifications to be shown as filter boxes
[PB-770] - In Items overview, when an item is selected the related object gets highlight
[PB-694] - Edit Save Searches
[PB-672] - Possibility to open RDS from the occurrence and template occurrences panes
[PB-640] - In Revit, expose more room information on the occurrence attribute settings
[PB-619] - Added functionality to open dRofus client from a link (dRofus Web app)
[PB-602] - Classifications for rooms
[PB-486] - Ability to move occurrences between Item list
[PB-251] - Ability to set classification to an Item from Revit, from the “Item <-> Family” window
[PB-25] – Added RDS, Equipment List and Room Template information in Revit Configuration
[PB-17] – Added room templates data in Excel Export Configuration
[DROFUS-39728] - Support for Element types in Archicad C Support for Doors, Windows, Walls, Curtain Walls, Electrical Equipment, Columns, Beams, Roofs, Morphs, Shells, Skylights, Railings, Stairs)
[DROFUS-39171] – Improved the ICF-Occurrence match pane
[DROFUS-38278] - Possibility to updated status/classification on occurrences from excel
[DROFUS-37793] – Now you are allowed adding subs to room that you do not have permission to if you have permission on the main.
[DROFUS-37009] - In the “Family<->Items” window in Revit, support for transferring Family file to dRofus
[DROFUS-36521] - Improved startup time of all modules
[DROFUS-36315] - Added drop down options for responsibility in "advanced search"
[DROFUS-36314] - Improved add/remove column pick attributes dialog with tree structure
[DROFUS-35896] - Improved help text when creating RDS
[DROFUS-35458] - Moved Views tab to new Right-hand sidebar for all perspectives
[DROFUS-35864] - Moved the log-view to the Right-hand sidebar together with the other perspectives
[DROFUS-35453] - Added support to create a new room directly from a template
[DROFUS-35452] - Possibility to add occurrence from room perspective
[DROFUS-35451] - Added equipment commands into room perspective and item perspective
[DROFUS-35428] - Added support for copying equipment list from room into room template
[DROFUS-35316] – Added a RDS pane in room perspective so it is possible to edit/multiselect edit RDS directly form the room list
[DROFUS-35306] – Support for adding classification on Room templates
[DROFUS-35276] – Added document support for Room templates
[DROFUS-35196] – Added Image support for Room templates
[DROFUS-35080] – Support for changing setting to the perspectives, without needing to restart the application
[DROFUS-35043] - Support multiscreen
[DROFUS-34274] - Create and delete RDS for one or multiple rooms
[DROFUS-34274] - Possibility to create and delete RDS for one or multiple rooms
[DROFUS-34268] - Improved the procurement/delivery module layout
[DROFUS-33916] – Added a toggle-button in toolbar for show/hide deleted rooms
[DROFUS-33453] - Made it possible to show group info in property pane
[DROFUS-33398] - Added the log pane for rooms
[DROFUS-33382] - Added the Room advanced search in navigation pane
[DROFUS-27769] - Improved the navigation pane
[DROFUS-27708] - Added functions to connect dRofus Items to Revit Materials
[DROFUS-27271] - Added the navigation pane to Items and Systems
[DROFUS-27103] - Improved handling of occurrences/components when deleting a system
[DROFUS-26664] - New welcome window
[DROFUS-26625] - Improved the setup of columns in System pane
[DROFUS-24918] - Added products and occurrences pane to company perspective
[DROFUS-24890] - Improved the Revit sync systems
1.11 Stable
Updated 13.09.17
New Features
[PB-1250] - ArchiCAD 21 Support
[PB-960] - Revit 2018 Support
[PB-111] - Ability to Copy RDS View Filters
[PB-251] - In Revit plug-in, Ability to set classification to an item in the Item <-> Family window
[DROFUS-35879] - In Revit plug-in, it is now possible to load/save system families
[PB-891] - In Items-overview, possibility to show properties for the ‘main’ or ‘sub’ of an occurrence.
So, now it is possible to know which ‘sub’ occurrence that are belongs to which ‘main’ occurrence, and the other way around
[PB-974] - When deleting Item with ‘Children’ you now get a warning message
[PB-275] - Improved the user-restriction on RDS-fields if handle data by excel import or copy between rooms
[PB-791] - In Systems, ability to add multiple occurrences to an existing system
[PB-847] - Users with limited rooms rights is now able to update Rooms and Room Templates RDS from Excel
[PB-692] - In Items Overview - Images pane, included a numbering sequence to show the order of the Images
[PB-1209] - In Items Overview – Improved performance generally
[DROFUS-33403] - In Revit plugin, support for syncing dRofus Item parameters introduced in the latest version of the client.
[DROFUS-35442] - Add responsibility to occurrences
[DROFUS-35733] - Added responsibility to product
[PB-1334] – Revit plug.in, Ability to import rooms leaving the room name empty in dRofus if roomnamelist is locked
[PB-1307] – Log, Made the Change list field wider to see long Change list names
[PB-1061] – Function program module, Improved the note, so it is easier to expend the field to see long notes
[PB-347] – In the RDS PDF Reports, Included the Change Lists under the Log section
[PB-1793] – Improved the performance when selecting "Item" within the Log Window
And bugfixes
1.10 Stable
Updated 31.03.17
New features
[PB-621] - Added support for status on Items, Occurrences and Products
This makes it easier to follow up the delivery of documentation, information and other work processes around Items, Occurrences and Products
[PB-569] - Added a due date to the statuses
[PB-614] - Status included in PDF reports
[PB-093] - Excel import of products
[PB-557] - In all text fields for Items, occurrences, products and systems, hypertext link is now available
Start a hyperlink by writing "http(s)://" and you got it
[PB-935] - Support for setting for 'separator' in item classification number
[PB-880] - Expose Number on subs used in "subs as properties" in Revit/AC and client
[PB-392] - Support for change lists in Revit and ArchiCAD
[PB-342] - Logging for products
[PB-994] - In Items overview, it is now possible to specify starting number for Item Auto-number
[DROFUS-33715] - Support for ArchiCAD 20
[DROFUS-33351] - Added support for images on products and occurrences
[DROFUS-34241] - In Item overview, ability to set change list/log note
In Item overview we have added a new tab called: "log" here you can set the "change list/log note" and open the log
[DROFUS-34635] - In Items overview, added support for composite text for Item, Occurrence & Product
Here you can put together multiple dRofus attributes/parameters to one. This new feature together with the hyperlink feature opens an ocean off new possibilities, where you can for instance link to documentation etc.
[PB-460] - Revit System import, now include everything
I.e the non-family based connecting equipment
[PB-478] – In the Revit plug-in, added the “Room ceiling/-floor tolerance”
To include families above or under the room/space
[PB-281] - In Items overview, ability to copy product to other items
[PB-587] - in Items overview, Support for splitting occurrence, only using occurrence id
[PB-530] - In Items overview, Transfer Occurrences now refresh occurrence list
[PB-422] - In Items overview, Possible to copy Items Specification
[PB-844] - Occurrence in procurement can now be updated via excel import
[PB-277] - The Excel export of Items, change the "only used" to a choice "used in room", "used in templates" or "both"
[PB-246] – The Excel export of Items, the status "Derived" are added
[PB-322] - In Finishes items list, BIM ID is searchable when adding items/finishes
[PB-499] - In Admin DYN GUI settings, Increase max. number of characters from 9 to 13
[PB-513] - Office 64 bit Support
[PB-349] - Posible to delete items with occurrences (You get warning and option to undo)
[PB-279] - More dynamic ribbon when working with occurrences
[PB-669] - In ArchiCAD plug-in, the equipment in hidden layers also disappear from `Show model equipment`
[PB-733] - In Revit plug-in, provided an option to show/hide matched items in the Items in Room Window
[PB-832] - Support for setting for number of characters default for new systems for a system component
[PB-479] - Show BIMID in "Room Equipment List" dialog box in Revit Plugin
[PB-439] - Include "Reference" as a Field That Contains Part of the Query in the Quick Search for Items
[PB-363] - Add "Occurrences in template" as an column option in "Add/remove columns" in the items pane
[PB-885] - In Revit plug-in, if roomname is locked in dRofus, Revit is not allowed to add new roomname to present list of names in dRofus
[PB-462] - In System/Items overview, all occurrences now get a number based upon either classification or item number
[PB-226] - Excel exporter: Sort excel export after the first 3 selected attributes
[PB-855] - In Revit plug-in, expose detail items in Items in room/level
[DROFUS-37511] - In Revit plug-in, improve speed when opening the "Systems" window
[DROFUS-37210] - In Revit plug-in, expose the walls parameter "Function" to be synchronized
[DROFUS-34385] - In Revit configuration, expose the wall sweeps
[DROFUS-34412] - IFC room and occurrence matching improvements
[DROFUS-34435] - In procurement module, possible to show combination of Room name and Room description
[DROFUS-34188] - In the Revit plug-in, we now update which room the occurrence appears in when syncing the items/occurrence
[DROFUS-34059] - Help Menu in client updated
[DROFUS-33468] - Add object layer parameter in Planned vs designed equipment report in Archicad
[DROFUS-32823] - Save custom column setup when assigning finishes to rooms.
[DROFUS-33697] - Remove Bifrost to avoid AntiVirus issues
[DROFUS-35049] - Items in room: Split occurence added
[DROFUS-34242] - Update occurrences from Excel (with occurrence id) now updates occurrences not in room
And bugfixes
1.9 Stable
Updated 30.08.16
New Features
[DROFUS-33715] - Support for ArchiCAD 20.
[DROFUS-34059] - Update Help Menu in Client
[DROFUS-27745] - Expose parameters of the Door hosts (wall type, fire rating, thickness) in Revit for syncing with dRofus occurrences.
[DROFUS-28898] - Expose more parameters of Window, Door and Wall instances in Revit for syncing with dRofus occurrences.
[DROFUS-29384] - Export, import and update occurrence finishes categories from Excel
[DROFUS-29383] - Export/import/update item classifications from Excel
[DROFUS-29338] - Make IFC properties and IFC Attributes available for syncing with Room parameters in ArchiCAD
[DROFUS-28141] - Make Zone Category, Renovation status and Floor parameters available for syncing with dRofus Room parameters via the Add-On for ArchiCAD
[DROFUS-28829] - Add more unit types and conversions when syncing to Revit
[DROFUS-23753] - Item and occurrence attribute Configuration should be bound to a category or sub-category in Revit
[DROFUS-29959] - Archicad 19 support
[DROFUS-27790] - Sub-item as a parameter on items and occurrences
[DROFUS-29837] - Add "Operasjoner" to the Export "Vedlikeholdsrutiner" in TIDA (Norwegian fix)
[DROFUS-31211] - Add option to revert to "old" value for specification of an Item from the log window
[DROFUS-31614] - Add additional fields to the Delivery module excel export
[DROFUS-31527] - Use multicategory config in Link occurrence dialog in Revit
[DROFUS-31497] - Make children of multiple selected Items + Select "Become Parent" in Items overview
[DROFUS-31495] - Open "new" Item details window from "old" UI
[DROFUS-31459] - Added "Transfer Occurrences" in Items overview
[DROFUS-31362] - Toolbar behavior improvements
[DROFUS-28631] - Users should be able to edit/change tender group from new item properties
[DROFUS-27754] - Copy sub-items when creating a new child of an item
[DROFUS-31495] - Open "new" Item details window from "old" UI
[DROFUS-31672] - Expose prameters (for Revit Category Air Terminals) in config
[DROFUS-31615] - Update order and individuals from Excel
[DROFUS-26339] - Advanced search for Items
[DROFUS-31648] - Improve/finish "filter" for new Items overview
[DROFUS-30943] - Swap on occurrence in new item interface
[DROFUS-31526] - Add context menus to item perspective
[DROFUS-31552] - IFC support like "old" client in new items overview
[DROFUS-32008] - Spanish language and translation
[DROFUS-31690] - Create occurrence<->ifc instances match list
[DROFUS-24891] - Occurrence sync for none-room bound occurrences in Revit plug-in
[DROFUS-32211] - Expose values from sub of subs as subproperties aggregated in client
[DROFUS-30824]- Improve list pagination
[DROFUS-29380] - Systemfamilies should show in the items in room list in Revit
[DROFUS-32153] - Add Revit 2017 support
[DROFUS-32124] - Occurrence data filter in search for items
[DROFUS-32285] - Sticky search in Items overview
[DROFUS-32444] - Search for a product
[DROFUS-32445] - Add unit price to product + list all when project is selected
[DROFUS-32504] - Ctrl+E Export to Excel Missing
[DROFUS-32505] - Add column for "(has) documents" in product view
[DROFUS-32620] - The Specification pane should be disabled when a Sub-Item is selected.
[DROFUS-32643] - Add product manufacturer field also to offered item in procurement
[DROFUS-32805] - Must be possible to add document to system components
[DROFUS-32243] - [Revit] Reuse the infrastructure from the "Import Systems" module in the "Import non-room based occurrences"
[DROFUS-32872] - Individual report with export of item-related data (type, occurence, etc) to facilitate a more efficient handover at the end of a dRofus project
[DROFUS-33225] - Update/import occurrences with derived equipment lists from Excel
[DROFUS-33058] - Multiple default perspective layouts
[DROFUS-33059] - Items context-menu for showing related views
[DROFUS-33061] - Create a Reports/Export ribbon tab
[DROFUS-33060] - Improve ribbon experience for read only users
[DROFUS-30376] - Log on component and system
[PB-322] - BIM ID is searchable when adding Items in the Finishes Items List
[PB-499] - Increase max. number of characters from 9 to 13 for Numeric Type Fields in DYN GUI
[PB-513] - Office 64 bit Support
[PB-349] - Delete items if there is an occurrence (with warning)
[PB-279] - More dynamic ribbon when working with occurrences
[PB-669] - In ArchiCAD plug-in, the equipment in hidden layers also disappear from `Show model equipment`
[PB-733] - In Revit plug-in, provided an option to show/hide matched items in the Items in Room Window
[DROFUS-33468] - Add object layer parameter in Planned vs designed equipment report in Archicad
[DROFUS-33697] - Remove Bifrost to avoid AntiVirus issues
[DROFUS-32823] - Save custom column setup when assigning finishes to rooms.
[DROFUS-28942] - Add menu option to export reports to XML from the "Items" window
[DROFUS-29624] - Optimize opening of large documents in TIDA
[DROFUS-31518] - Occurrences - labels on dyn gui properties are shown in the wrong position
[DROFUS-32412] - The Model and Comment fields from procurement should be included in items in room excel export
[DROFUS-32610] - Product specification should reflect locked tender spec and not be editable if in tender
[DROFUS-32624] - Change naming from "Classification" to "Document category" when you upload/link documets to Items/Products
[DROFUS-32673] - The top tab does not update from «Views»
[DROFUS-32812] - In "Documents" section: Move node "Uncategorized" to root so it's on the same level as "Document category"
[DROFUS-32814] - Copy sheets function in Excel export
[DROFUS-32640] - Sorting null and empty values simmilar
[DROFUS-32803] - Product visibility for products in tender
[DROFUS-32809] - Item images must be clearly marked so they are not mistaken for product images
[DROFUS-32810] - Add description text in "Image" pane that explains what you have selected
[DROFUS-32811] - Add option for "Add image" in toolbar for Items
[DROFUS-32815] - Create setting to change label on Regitration No on individuals in procurement module
[DROFUS-31869] - Make file download support multiple files (and download to a directory)
[DROFUS-32813] - Add column for #products for occurrences of Item
[DROFUS-32873] - Linked model spaces - from spaces
[DROFUS-32900] - Make file upload support multiple files
[DROFUS-32333] - Øke bredden på søkefelt (TIDA) (Norwegian fix)
[DROFUS-32874] - Multi Level Function Name Mapping in Revit Area Parameters
[DROFUS-33013] - Improve quick search work flow for product and items
[DROFUS-33057] - Sub item properties in dialog
[DROFUS-33079] - Show pictures and document tab in the ArticleWindow
[DROFUS-33090] - Not possible to export RDS-template to Excel.
[DROFUS-33091] - Add status bar for syncronizing item - Families in Revit
[DROFUS-33133] - Expose occurrence "priority" in the "Items in level" report in Revit plug-in
[DROFUS-33226] - Change List missing Deleted Rooms
[DROFUS-33227] - Search tab within Items-in-Room window
[DROFUS-33228] - Function Structure Administation Sort Order By Number
[DROFUS-33241] - Copy fuknsjon i TIDA er "farlig"
[DROFUS-33319] - Add description to classifications
[DROFUS-33326] - Hide empty groups when item view filter is applied
[DROFUS-33340] - ToolBar CanExecute is not done on background thread anymore
[DROFUS-33319] - Add description to classifications
[DROFUS-33350] - Improve help text for complex values in new Excel exporter
[DROFUS-33389] - When opened from subs list, button can execute checks in images + docs tabs in article dialog works on the selected articles's images/docs, not those of the sub item
[DROFUS-33089] - Import system includes items in system
[DROFUS-33387] - When creating a new product - supplier and manufacturer should be in the "new" dialog
[DROFUS-33443] - Put images and documents tabs lasts in article dialog
[DROFUS-32967] - Show in list status bar that the list is loading
[DROFUS-33423] - Improve Excel and Office integration
[DROFUS-33365] - None visible pane should not load data to improve performance
[DROFUS-33367] - Improve performance when selecting items
And bugfixes
1.8 Stable
Updated 27.04.15
New Features
[DROFUS-27911] - Allow installing dRofus Add-On on French and other non-English versions of ArchiCAD (ArchiCAD Addin)
[DROFUS-25442] - ArchiCAD 18 support (ArchiCAD Addin)
[DROFUS-28140] - Type, From/To Room parameters are now available as instance parameters syncable to dRofus in Revit (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-28051] - Item data available as instance parameters in Revit (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-27736] - Syncronize door to/door from parameters to occurence data (Revit Plugin)
It is relevant to see both the "door too" and "door from" parameters in a door schedule reported from dRofus
[DROFUS-27638] - Put "[Copy] Linked model rooms" and "[Copy] Linked model spaces" directly on the toolbar in a drop down button (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-27637] - Delete superfluous rooms during copy rooms from linked model (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-27615] - Copy all attributes from linked models which is in the current configuration (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-27451] - Problems with copy/update rooms from linked model in Revit 2015 fixed (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-27130] - Update equipment in template when room equipment list is connected to template (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-25757] - Use Revits To/From room for doors to identify room in dRofus (To if set, else From) (Revit Plugin)
Currently an occurrence in dRofus can only be in one room. But in order to allow the user to control what room a door should be in in dRofus we now read these parameters from Revit.
[DROFUS-25691] - Select all and Deselect all in import room from Revit (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-25186] - Create spaces from rooms in linked models in Revit (Revit Plugin)
"MEP consultants had an issue when they linked in the Architectural file and created spaces by autoplace, and thereafter used ""space naming utility"" or similar to get numbers and names. The autoplace function filled all ""empty"" areas with spaces and Revit identified the numbering in use. I.e. in some cases Revit created spaces with numbers similar to the key attribute and this resulted in duplicates etc.With this new feature dRofus can create spaces from linked files (like we have done with create rooms from linked files), this would ensure a much better workflow and robust data exchange for MEP spaces."
[DROFUS-24494] - Automatic IFC upload to dRofus model server from the Revit plug-in (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-23135] - Image import from Revit families to dRofus items (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-20720] - Enable "FF&E in level/model" for MEP spaces (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-15259] - Transfer wall area from Revit (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-18134] - Copy subs items and children when copying an item
[DROFUS-28191] - Revit 2016 support (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-28189] - Support for French language
[DROFUS-28061] - Terminology change: "FF&E" Will be replaced with "Item"
[DROFUS-27824] - Change RDS/Equipment status for multiple rooms with the same status
[DROFUS-27690] - Add "Last changed" to Equipment excel export
[DROFUS-27590] - Function Program as an Excel export
[DROFUS-27256] - Add text search (contains etc.) for combo box fields in "advanced" search in room and items list
[DROFUS-26247] - Added support for "Move occurrence" from one room to another
Fixed so all occurrence data will follow when occurrences are moved between rooms
[DROFUS-26057] - Excel import for Finishes to rooms and room templates
[DROFUS-30123] - Show flag no and group no in dyn gui editor
[DROFUS-30113] - Excel export exception messages are not properly displayed to the user
[DROFUS-29988] - Possibility to change name on item templates with read access for rooms
[DROFUS-29959] - Archicad 19 support
[DROFUS-32153] - Add Revit 2017 support
[DROFUS-32412] - The Model and Comment fields from procurement should be included in items in room excel export (old)
[DROFUS-27410] - Bug in Revit 2015 prevents moving rooms to a different location when copying rooms from linked model in Revit (Revit Plugin)
A bug in the API resulted in problems when copying rooms from linked models that had changed position in the linked model. If it is Revit 2015 and the user has to move the room. We should instead give the user an option to a) Skip this room, b) delete and copy a new room.
[DROFUS-27073] - Improvements to the FF&E<->Family window (Revit Plugin)
1. Sort the columns of linked items
2. Add available columns with a right click
3. Search functionality in the Revit unlink items
4. Export linked FF&E items to Excel
[DROFUS-26968] - "Update dRofus" in the "FF&E in Model" dialog will respect the discrepancy filter. (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-25984] - Improved the of linking and synchronizing data of instances in the "Equipment in Room" dialog (Revit Plugin)
Improvements done:
- Added two options to ""automatically"" resolve two common problems when syncing data: ""Auto match"" if multiple occurrences and multiple instances, but do not care which instances are linked to which occurrences. And ""Auto split"" to split an occurrence if it is linked/matched to instances that are pushing different values into dRofus (e.g. split if two different colors on items linked to the same occurrence in dRofus).
- Simplified error message and hits to options if it is something that can be resolved by setting an option.
- When selecting an linked occurrence or instances in the equipment in room dialog - the instance(s) are selected in Revit"
[DROFUS-25556] - Sort list in autolink FF&E window in alphabetical order (Revit Plugin)
[DROFUS-27200] - Multiple improvements in RDS <-> FF&E rule check window
[DROFUS-27905] - Improved danish language
[DROFUS-27710] - Extend code length on equipment and RDS templates
[DROFUS-27675] - .Net framework issue resolved
[DROFUS-27572] - Improvements to the "Equipment in room" Excel regarding Alternatives and Sub-components from the Procurement module
[DROFUS-27201] - Show note icon in equipment templates
[DROFUS-26603] - Improvements to room logs on Deleted rooms
[DROFUS-26074] - Create project reports with read access is now allowed
And bugfixes
1.7 Stable
Updated 26.06.14
New Features
[DROFUS-18298] - Allow changes derived equipment lists and swap sub occurrences. You can read more about this here
[DROFUS-18733] - Copy/Move room function
[DROFUS-24995] - Concatenate FF&E List as Room Attribute string
[DROFUS-20950] - Include dynamic data in 'Add/remove columns' in the 'Equipment in room' in room core, RDS, room templates and FF&E templates
[DROFUS-21645] - Occurrence data available in add/remove columns in equipment in room and occurrence list (FF&E overview)
[DROFUS-23968] - Show dyn UI fields in sub ff&e list
[DROFUS-24501] - Synchronize occurrences through the "Equipment in Room/model" dialogs
[DROFUS-24668] - Add fields showing diff between program and designed area
[DROFUS-24862] - Finishes as parameter in Revit Plugin
[DROFUS-24926] - Include FF&E type attributes in the occurrence configuration
[DROFUS-24949] - Translation to German
[DROFUS-24817] - Revit 2015 support: For thos who are early upgraders. 1.7 will support Revit 2013, 2014 and 2015
[DROFUS-24070] - Improve rich text editor with table and image support: The formatted text fields in Dyn UI (RDS, FF&E spec, building program etc) have now support for tables and inline images. It's also a generally improved editor. NB: Adding images/tables with BETA and later viewing or editing it with 1.6 will have some issues. Images will not show at all in 1.6 and table will not look good. Saving it again with 1.6 will cause dataloss so use this for testing only. 1.6.17 and below will also crash when viewing tables added in 1.7. So use this for testing until the final version is out.
[DROFUS-22775] - Occurrence data synchronization in Revit and ArchiCAD
[DROFUS-24410] - Add support for converting a child FF&E to a parent FF&E
[DROFUS-24043] - Push Finish Status into Revit
[DROFUS-23586] - Allow quick searching values in extra room core fields
[DROFUS-23472] - TIDA: Update values from Excel
[DROFUS-22732] - Connect existing FF&Es to a parent as a child
[DROFUS-23252] - Image import to FF&Es
[DROFUS-23118] - Creating RDS, Finishes and Equipment Lists from a Room Template for multiple rooms in one operation
[DROFUS-22874] - Duplicate view as dependant when syncing floor plan image so annotations is transfered
[DROFUS-22775] - Occurrence data synchronization in Revit and ArchiCAD
[DROFUS-22272] - Replacing/swapping Parent with a Child in Room FFE List & FF&E occurrence list
[DROFUS-20865] - Group filter in Room and Equipment export to Excel
[DROFUS-23125] - "Show BIM" button available from the FF&E overview
[DROFUS-23104] - Showing placed objects in Revit for an FF&E occurrence selected in dRofus.
[DROFUS-23103] - Navigating to FF&E occurrences in dRofus from the "Equipment in Room" dialog in Revit.
[DROFUS-23016] - Excel export of room functions
[DROFUS-22982] - Moving IFC instances from component/occurance in TIDA from one to another
[DROFUS-22717] - Viewing a list of linked/matched occurrences in a separate dialog in Revit and ArchiCAD
[DROFUS-22588] - Excel import/update of instance/occurrence data
[DROFUS-22410] - Select All – Ctrl+A to select all in a list
[DROFUS-24276] - Expose design option as syncable parameters in Revit and add option to only sync primary design option
[DROFUS-25122] - Add support for import document to rooms
[DROFUS-25124] - Change layout for the choice "delete in revit and mark as deleted in dRofus" in Revit
[DROFUS-25133] - Expose other ElementType entities (WallType, etc.) in Revit
[DROFUS-25291] - Improve the way family instances is determined to be in the room.
[DROFUS-21902] - Better information in the "Status" column in "Equipment in room" window and in the "Equipment" Excel export
[DROFUS-24691] - Image sync from Revit - make old image-crop available as option
[DROFUS-24837] - Extent the list of available family categories in Revit.
[DROFUS-24837] - Extent the list of aviable family categories in Revit.
[DROFUS-24407] - Add Room Created Date as parameter in Revit/ArchiCAD
[DROFUS-24164] - Add "Save to change list" and "Save with log note" in the "Equipment in room" window
[DROFUS-24275] - Do not create new shared parameter if an project parameter with the same name exists in Revit
[DROFUS-23948] - Add last changed date and syncronized date in addition to datetime as a room parameter
[DROFUS-24176] - Export function color to IfcSpace dummy geometry of viewing in Solibri
[DROFUS-24199] - Allow more categories to be automatically placed in room in Revit
[DROFUS-24200] - When "Update Revit/Model" selections in the FF&E in room/level/model - will no longer remove unliked families
[DROFUS-24247] - User was required to reserve selected zones in order to perform the "Equipment in model" check in ArchiCAD
[DROFUS-24351] - Excel import of tender group relation for FF&E's
[DROFUS-23501] - Make documents on offered articles include document on planned FF&Es
[DROFUS-23723] - Only show/count elements in the primary or Main model (none) design option
[DROFUS-23867] - Add Revit and IFC global ID to Room and instance attribute conficurations
[DROFUS-23948] - Add last changed room core date in addition to datetime as a room parameter
[DROFUS-23951] - Make size and resolution for image export customizable
[DROFUS-24085] - Insert a warning when you copy equipment from/to room templates using the "Copy from" and "Copy to" option
[DROFUS-24203] - Show colums "Responsibility" and "Budget" in Tender group and Tender sub-group
[DROFUS-23612] - Read only FF&E core when limit to spec tab
[DROFUS-23605] - Add "current-date" as an available attribute to configuration editors
[DROFUS-23563] - Change name of the "Equipment in room" in the room core to "FF&E"
[DROFUS-23553] - Add option to hide the "maintenance routines" in TIDA
[DROFUS-23372] - Show initial / existing values for "existing quantity", "priority", "comment" and "owner" when adding or deleting an FF&E occurrence in log
[DROFUS-23312] - Divide the tab "FF&E used" in the room template window into "FF&E used" for each equipment list
[DROFUS-22994] - Equipment list (room core) moved next to 3D window when 3D model is connected
[DROFUS-18737] - Multi level import room to dRofus
[DROFUS-23534] - Renamed template labels
[DROFUS-23426] - Add zoom to instance from properties pane (TIDA)
[DROFUS-23309] - Match correct occurrence when selecting between dRofus and CAD program
[DROFUS-23120] - Refreshing changed admin settings
[DROFUS-23072] - Selecting multiple items from a search tab in "Choose FF&E" and "Choose Room" dialogs
And bugfixes
1.4 Stable
Updated 10.01.12
New features
[DROFUS-18498] - Update equipment lists from Revit to dRofus templates and rooms
[DROFUS-18548] - Link revit room to drofus templates
[DROFUS-18377] - Copy rooms from linked model to current model
[DROFUS-18471] - Disable Default configuration when other configuration is set as default. Let user change configuration from \"all\" windows using configurations.
[DROFUS-18637] - Show / compare with FF&E from linked models in FF&E dialog
[DROFUS-18471] - Disable Default configuration when other configuration is set as default. Let user change configuration from \"all\" windows using configurations.
[DROFUS-18255] - Add/Remove columns feature in Link existing room dialog / FF&E link window
[DROFUS-18377] - Copy rooms from linked model to current model
[DROFUS-18471] - Disable Default configuration when other configuration is set as default. Let user change configuration from \"all\" windows using configurations.
[DROFUS-18544] - Support for new TFM structure (TFM 3451:2009) in IFC import to TIDA
[DROFUS-18378] - Syncronize MEP spaces to dRofus rooms
[DROFUS-18637] - Show / compare with FF&E from linked models in FF&E dialog
[DROFUS-17329] - Save options (values) for a PDF report.
[DROFUS-18351] - \"Add new report\" feature to add XF Designer template
[DROFUS-18377] - Copy rooms from linked model to current model
[DROFUS-18891] - Sorting in FF&E window by dRofus or Revit Label by clicking on the columns
[DROFUS-18519] - Add attributes for all room functions (no and name) to room
[DROFUS-19252] - Move dRofus plugin from AddIns to a seperate Ribbon Tab
[DROFUS-19344] - Make copy rooms from linked model and look for ff&e in linked models to not be dependent on shared coordinates
[DROFUS-19349] - If syncronize room command failed it still shows success msg box
[DROFUS-19357] - Update English language. Geographical Number -> Room Number, Drawing Number -> Additonal Number, Drawing Name -> Name on Drawing
[DROFUS-19468] - FixedText in dynamic GUI does not support multiline
[DROFUS-18751] - Remember sorting in client list windows
[DROFUS-19039] - Revit plug-in do not longer use 100% because of idling event.
[DROFUS-19086] - If the attribute used as key in the FF&E configuration does not exists in the file you get an error - there should be an option to just create it instead...
[DROFUS-19111] - Support for Revit 2013
[DROFUS-17284] - Excel eksport av TIDA relasjoner
[DROFUS-18946] - Support for choosing one or more owners in RapportGui
[DROFUS-19012] - Import room name if name not in configuration or if name is a read only attribute in current configuration
[DROFUS-18448] - Prevent user importing room that generate level numbers that is too long
[DROFUS-18494] - Improve labeling and numbering of FF&E items in the FF&E window
[DROFUS-18500] - Group RDS attributes by tab in the attribute configuration
[DROFUS-18553] - User defined room attributes under area and measurements shoul be writable
[DROFUS-18727] - Move revit room import to room access level 1 instead of admin.
[DROFUS-18734] - Show deleted systems/components in the TIDA log
[DROFUS-18763] - Improve image quality of exported images from Revit by exporting as PNG
[DROFUS-18495] - Filter of sub FF&E in FF&E window
Bug fix
...and several Bug fixes
1.3 Stable
Updated 25.11.11
New features
[DROFUS-13543] - Possible to show log information in room list, Excel and Revit (last
changed, changed RDS etc.
[DROFUS-14382] - Possible to choose which fields to copy when copying RDS to/from
[DROFUS-15918] - Import and update articles with specification
[DROFUS-16514] - Support for exporting groups as IfcClassification so it works well with Solibri
[DROFUS-16669] - Copy derived RDS with derived status
[DROFUS-16725] - Show number of instances for room templates
[DROFUS-16730] - Possible to disable use of equipment and RDS templates (not room templates)
[DROFUS-16753] - Possible to enable NS3420 (Norwegian standard) in TIDA. Default off
[DROFUS-16803] - Include relational requirements in the RDS report (from graphical function planner)
[DROFUS-16983] - Copy RDS with status from one room to another
[DROFUS-13285] - Possible to not show NKKN gui fields (Norwegian standard for med eq.)
[DROFUS-15950] - Better Excel import of dynamic data
[DROFUS-16719] - Yellow note field on room templates
[DROFUS-17655] - Revit plug-in: Allow image export to be done from existing views
[DROFUS-17656] - Revit plug-in: Create key plan images for rooms
[DROFUS-17657] - Revit plug-in: Apply view template to views created for exporting images
[DROFUS-17658] - Revit plug-in: Add an option to leave the views genereated for image export in the Revit model and don\'t delete them after image export
[DROFUS-17535] - Revit plug-in: Sync FF&E spesification to dRofus
[DROFUS-18070] - Revit plug-in: Export 3D views from Revit to dRofus if named correct
[DROFUS-17093] - Revit plug-in: Modeless Link/Assign drofus rom/revit rom
[DROFUS-17825] - Search field in room template list
[DROFUS-15231] - Unique logging of equipment in rooms
[DROFUS-16788] - Scrollbar in the room core view
[DROFUS-17558] - Scrollbars in dyn gui window
[DROFUS-13860] - Room funktion number, errors and improvements for numbering
[DROFUS-15974] - Support import of RDS for rooms with RDS derived from template
[DROFUS-16207] - \"Open IFC file\" should work also when you already are connected to a modell. Emty the model and connect to the new one
[DROFUS-16327] - Add visible choises for export to Word/Excel(e.g.log window)
[DROFUS-16647] - Use only IfcRelAssignsToGroup for aggregating zones in order to work with Solibri
[DROFUS-16771] - Room name visable in room core after adding it in the room name manager (without restarting dRofus)
[DROFUS-16922] - \"Select all\" choise in the context menu for a rich text field
[DROFUS-16924] - Strong type disabled_by. Either as a list of strings or a field
[DROFUS-16990] - Revit plug-in: Warning when new shared parameters is created
[DROFUS-16992] - In the room core window both name and description turns blue when selected. Should not
[DROFUS-16997] - Better Excel import of dynamic data
[DROFUS-17067] - Show number of dynamic fields that’s included - on the button for dynamic fields in the Excel import dialogue
[DROFUS-17150] - If you loose connection and dRofus try to close down, it should not be possible for the user to choose \"no\" in the dialogue \"do you want to quit dRofus\"
[DROFUS-17271] - Export areas from dRofus to Excel without part sums
[DROFUS-17296] - Warning before you write over an IFC file during the save routine
[DROFUS-17334] - Excel import: Update room templates without updating template names
[DROFUS-17324] - New Octaga Manager with bugfixes from EPM
[DROFUS-15188] - Improved \"Equipment in room\"functionality in IFC mode
[DROFUS-16333] - Octaga Viewer fixed for certain IFC files
[DROFUS-16727] - Fixed keyboard short cuts
[DROFUS-16830] - Correct scaling of images opened in separate windows
[DROFUS-17388] - Room name manager: Improved changing ofroom names and descriptions
[DROFUS-16690] - Language corrections
[DROFUS-16735] - DynGUI corrections
[DROFUS-17402] - Revit plug-in: FF&E Window. Fixed place FF&E issues in \"place mode\"
[DROFUS-17460] - Excel export: Colors included in exports from groups and room levels
[DROFUS-17588] - FF&E register: Now showing both room name and description in the occurences view
[DROFUS-17805] - ColorPicker: Supports alfa values of colours
[DROFUS-18054] - Area overview: Added \"Print\" button
[DROFUS-15729] - Possible to create more that 999 room templates
[DROFUS-17262] - RDS view filter: Remember filter from one session to another
[DROFUS-17347] - Improved speed when updating multiple rooms
[DROFUS-17926] - Geographical room number deleted when rooms set to \"Marked as deleted\"
[DROFUS-17956] - Removed limitations to 200 character in room names
Bug fix
...and 62 Bug fixes