VA Healthcare Center Kernersville
Perkins Eastman was contracted to create an FF&E package with material/product specifications and an activation report by department for use in procurement for the VA.
dRofus was immediately considered because of the ability to utilize the existing BIM model elements to make modifications that could be reported without changing the construction documents. These deviations could be tracked and reconciled from original contract and maintained and utilized for operations and maintenance. This was very important for our client and the contractor since they are using the BIM model for quantifying scheduled construction materials, furniture and equipment.
dRofus created specific templates we needed to meet our client’s needs. One from our client’s hard copy activation report and the other a furniture specification with specific requirements. The software was instrumental in capturing the 100 different fabrics, pieces and locations.
Without dRofus having the option to create the upholstery as a sub item for the furniture and linking the ID with the material and locations we could not have delivered the project in the limited timeframe we had without adding more staff and doing everything by hand. This effort could not have been delivered without this resource.After we presented this package to our client they were overjoyed with the amount of information. Everyone’s favorite thing was the interactive table of contents again saving time and money. We can attribute that the use of this program definitely streamlined the amount of questions we would traditionally receive.
As the project continues, we will have many opportunities to build on using dRofus to verify square footage, create data sheets and assist in the final reconciliation of the many deviations that a project undergoes during construction. We successfully exceeded ours and our clients’ needs and expectations.

«dRofus is a tool that would have been a valuable resource if incorporated at the beginning of the project, despite the late introduction of this resource; it saved our team an enormous amount of time and effort eliminating inefficiencies.»